Thursday, October 31, 2019

IBM and the Holocaust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

IBM and the Holocaust - Essay Example IBM’s German subsidiary, called Dehomag, once put up a poster in German whose translation to English meant â€Å"see everything with Hollerith punch cards.† This poster, while at the time simply advertising the importance of punch cards in capturing individuals’ information, have been found to have been the reason why the Nazis found it easy to carry out mass murders of the minority groups in Germany. Dehomag is the acronym for the company Deutsche Hollerith Maschinen Gesellschaft (German Hollerith Machine Corporation); a company established in 1910 by Willy Heidinger. Heidinger later sold the company to American industrialist Charles Flint. Through various stages of acquisitions, Dehomag eventually became a direct subsidiary of CTR which was later renamed to International Business Machines in 1924 (Jeffery, 2001). The idea of punch cards had been conceived by Herman Hollerith about the year 1880. Hollerith was working for the US Census Bureau. The punch cards were basically readable cards with perforations in a standardized pattern. Every perforation represented a given piece of information about the individual such as their nationality, occupation, gender, and so on. The traits could be easily sorted out to give the desired picture of a given population. For example, gender could be used to divide the country into males and females (Hayes, 2000). Adolf Hitler and the chief executive officer of IBM Thomas J. Watson are two of the people most famously accused of the genocide in Nazi Germany. While Hitler broadcasted his hate messages against the Jews (and other races), he found fanatics among great men such as Henry Ford and Thomas Watson. With IBM’s presence in Germany and with Hitler at the helm, it was not by chance that Watson fueled Hitler’s aims. While, in my opinion, Watson and IBM are victims of circumstances, their role in the holocaust shall remain significant. If they had turned down Germany’s use of punch cards, they would not have prevented the holocaust since Germany would have obtained the technology anyway.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ideology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ideology - Essay Example On 1st September 1939, Germany (Nazis) under the rule of Hitler attacked and invaded Poland. This action is considered as the primary provocation that caused of the Second World War. Hitler used fear and propaganda to spread nationalism within Germany. It would later give rise to the Nazis who were at the forefront of accomplishing the goals set up by Hitler (Lynch, 2013, 20). An example of the propaganda he spread stated that the Jewish community was solely responsible for the problems that plagued Germany. Hitler and his supporters and sympathizers made it their mission to eradicate Jews from Germany. Benito Mussolini was the youngest prime minister in Italy. He served as Italian prime minister from 1922 to 1943 (Warf, 2012, 282). He was a person who loved his country very much and disliked anyone who did not. He was a close ally to Adolf Hitler and supported Germany’s invasion of Poland. He started out as a democratic leader until 1925 when he dropped democracy in favor of nationalism, and he was one of the key figures in the creation of the dictatorship. Mussolini ruled with an iron fist and dealt viciously with individuals who were considered traitors to his course. His involvement with Hitler did not sit well with some of Germany’s critics mostly France and the United Kingdom. He was arrested after his forces were defeated subsequently executed by Italian supporters of Victor Emmanuel III. He died in disgrace just as his friend Adolf Hitler. Mussolini used propaganda to further his nationalistic views, and he went further as to force teachers and other civil ser vants to take public oaths as a show of loyalty to him and to Italy. Liberalism advocates for individual freedom with the addition of other freedoms including speech and religion. It is a fundamental belief whereby people are free to chase their goals in their own way just as long as they do not violate

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Percentage Profit Margins Of A Project Construction Essay

Percentage Profit Margins Of A Project Construction Essay The net price of measured work is the final price taking into consideration all the elements. In other words the net price is the overall and final price, including labour, plant and materials without any profit or overhead allowances which are priced elsewhere in the preliminaries. Overheads need to be taken into consideration when preparing estimates. Overheads are costs you control such as electricity or office rent, usually you will have to recover them because they include admin. Most medium sized construction organisations recover the cost of these each year spread over the turnover of the project, this can be assed as a percentage addition but may fluctuate according to you turnover. Risks are unforeseen set backs in the project, weather disasters are a great example of a risk that might have to be taken into consideration. Preliminaries The preliminary part of a project is the initial section giving a description of the project. Plant, vehicles and tools are all included in the preliminary costs. This includes the costs of buying or maintaining the machinery and tools and also the costs of erecting and maintaining scaffolding on a project. The cost for this is worked out using the surface area of the structure, what material is used in the structure and the length of time the scaffolding is up. Sometimes this can include costs of toilet installation, water and electricity and also the costs of managers, engineers and safety officers Profit Profit is essentially how much money you make. There are different types of profit; net profit, gross profit and operating profit. Gross profit is usually found calculating all sales minus any cost relating to the sales, in other words how much money you make on the sales. Net profit is seen as gross profit minus all overheads and interest. And operating profit which is the profit for the business core business operations excluding profit made from investments and the effects of tax or interest. Estimating methods Estimations are used all the time in everyday life; estimation can give you a rough idea or figure to a sum without finding an exact answer. They come in very handy in many aspects of day to day life without exception to the construction industry. Estimations can help you get a rough Idea of how much salary you have to pay out, how many bricks or how much concrete you want for a project and many other things. There are different types of estimating methods that can be used to do different things. Cost estimation is used regularly to decipher the net costs of many materials you need on site. The estimator will need to estimate the amount of materials needed and the type of materials needed on the project. The two main benefits of cost estimation are firstly that changes can be made in early stages to reduce the overall effect this has on the project time schedule and cost and secondly the more cost information you gather the more you improve the quality of cost data The estimator will also have to include labour costs, so they have to estimate the different types of workers that will be needed to complete the project and also how many of these workers will be needed to ensure the project is completed on time. When calculating labour rates you have to take into consideration numerous different factors such as nation insurance, hourly rates, holiday and sick pay (if it is a lengthy project) and many more. A method for estimating labour costs that has been widely accepted is COEP, the code of estimating practise. As well as this an estimator will usually supply contingency sums. A contingency sum will usually be an amount of money to cover any unforeseen expenses that may arise in the duration of the project, in other words any overheads. Here is a table of the different estimating methods used in the 1930s compared to those used in the modern day. Single rate estimation This is commonly used by health and education services at the inception stage of a project. This is useful when a simple and quick cost range is needed in initial stages of a project. An example of this is knowing it will cost you  £10,000 to build a singular room in an hotel complex and you have a budget of  £100,000, you then have a rough estimate that you can build ten of these rooms. Depending on location and ground conditions it can be difficult to adjust certain project costs. Building volume method This is not widely used anymore but basically consist of working out the volume of the building and using it as a cost yardstick (quote taken form martin brooks estimating and tendering). However some countries are still familiar with building costs expressed as cubic meter prices. Floor area method This is a very popular method as it is quite simple. To create a floor area estimation you have to measure the building at each floor level, not making any deduction for internals, and then using previous construction costs and dividing them by the internal floor area to give you a cost per metre squared. When doing this it is obvious that some additional adjustments will have to be made and a separate assessment has to be carried out for external works. P3 There are many things that can affect the percentage profit margins of a project. First of all overheads and unforeseen disasters can play a massive part in this as money spent on these comes straight out of profit. Although an estimator will usually put a certain amount of money to the side in case of this happening it may sometimes not be enough. Some companies compare aspect of their project with old similar projects to see if they can isolate unforeseens and abnormal costs, by doing this they hope to be able to isolate the problems and find an efficient way around it in an attempt to maximise profit margins. When a cost plan has been made it has to be translated into design criteria so that not only can the design team understand it but also so the client or manager can take charge and ensure that the project is within its cost restraints;. Some companies who pride themselves on being green can reduce their profit margins by following procedures to keep green, paying extra money for correct and efficient recycling and ensuring the materials they buy are sources locally and appropriate for recycle can boost material pricing quite considerably. The output of labour can be affected by numerous different things, first and foremost is once again unforeseen issues. Sickness and injury can severely affect the output of labour as it ultimately leads to workers having time off. Not only this, it can also cost the company as they are still entitled to pay. I personally think the structure and organisation of a project can ultimately lead to the designated output you want from your labourers. For example you dont want an excavator and its driver sat static for half a day because your organisation charts have not made the best use of it as this will technically be wasting money. M On-costs are overheads, they are managed and include wages, electricity, gas or office rent, usually you will have to recover them because they include admin. Most medium sized construction organisations recover the cost of these each year spread over the turnover of the project, this can be assed as a percentage addition but may vary according to your turnover. Overheads are costs that have to be met in order for the head office to run smoothly, company cars, insurance and departmental costs are all included in overhead costing. These costs need to be recovered; therefore a percentage is usually recovered from the additional costs added in the estimate. To get a figure for this percentage you must know the overall value of the companys overheads per year, and also the companys turnover. You divide the overhead costs by the company turnover and times the answer by a hundred to be left with the percentage. This percentage can then be used in future estimates. You are also able to reconcile overheads by recovering them against tendered works. This can be done in a number of different ways. Firstly you can use an increased profit margin to cover the over head costs and not include them, you can also establish the overhead costs/total turnover and add the percentage to the tenders and lastly you can move the head office onto site and recover the costs through the preliminaries. A companys turnover will fluctuate year to year. There are many factors that can affect this, such as risks, work efficiency and contract pricing. Risks can occur all the time, sometimes you can loose money due to these risks and sometimes you can gain money, with risks also comes unforeseens, set backs that can loose you money. Being efficient with you work can save you money, if one year a company was extremely efficient they would make more money than if they were not efficient and wasteful. Lastly pricing can have an affect on turnover too, when it is very competitive times you may have to significantly lower your prices to sign as deal. When a companies turnover drops, they will loose not only profit but also money on the overheads as the turnover will drop in accordance with the percentage. In addition to this if a company turnover rises there will be more than enough money there to cover the overheads and therefore the profit will rise too. In the preliminaries we get fixed and time-related charges we have to consider, the SMM7 guide tells us to identify them separately in the bills of quantities. A fixed charge is for the work of the cost of which is to be considered as independent on duration and a time-related charge is for work the cost of which is to be considered as dependent on duration. There are a number of different items that it is hard to designate to a certain charge, such as a crane on site for two weeks. Most plant charges get divided by the duration to produce monthly repayments. For example; employer accommodation requirements. SMM7 states that if an employer has to use onsite accommodation he must include heating, lighting and maintenance. Here are a few other requirements; Accommodation Dependant on specific requirements, offices, toilets, meeting rooms, laboratories and car parking may be needed. Furniture If none stated, client must be providing his own Transport Inspection of components, transport for staff or consultants plus fuel and maintenance Example; management and staff Choice of management varies, dependant on size, complexity and duration of project. Site manager Required on most sites, amount of staff depends on size and complexity. General foreman Co-ordination and management of labour, plant and labour-only subcontractors. Engineer Services engineer to co-ordinate specialist jobs, analyze methods, and quality control.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Macbeth Essays: The Greater Guilt :: Free Essay Writer

The Greater Guilt in Macbeth Everybody is driven by guilty conscience in our life. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth feel guilty at different times and different ways. Macbeth feels guiltier than Lady Macbeth after the murder of Duncan. During the Banquet, Mecbeth is very upset and nervous after seeing the ghost, But Lady Macbeth is making an excuse about her husband’s fear, and she doesn’t show any guilt. At the end of the play, the opposite is true: Lady Mecbeth feels guiltier than mecbeth.. Guilt is responsible for the death of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. In Act II, Scene ii, Macbeth regrets the murder of Duncan as soon as he kills the king. He finds it impossible to pray after Duncan’s two sons waken from a nightmare pray and fall back to sleep : "I had most need of blessing, and "Amen" / Stuck in my throat."(II;ii;32-3) On the other hand Lady Macbeth tells him to forget about the murder because if they keep thinking of the crime, it will make them both crazy: Consider it not so deeply. †¦/These deeds must not be thought After these ways; so, it will make us mad.(II;ii;30-35) Because Lady Macbeth kills herself at the end of the play, these lines also foreshadow her future. In Act III scene 4, Macbeth is going to be crazy after seeing Banquo’s ghost. He got so scared when he sees the ghost walking in the Palace and sitting in his place: "thou canst not say I did it: never shake thy gory locks at me." This quote shows how scared he is, and Lady Macbeth is making an excuse to hide her husband’s fear: Sit, worthy friends: my lord is often thus, And hath been from his youth: pray you, keep seat; The fit is momentary, upon a thought He will again be well. If much you note him, You shall offend him, and extend his passion; Feed, and regard him not. Are you a man? This quote explain to the guest that why Macbeth has acted in that way, and how Lady Macbeth hide her husband’s fear of the ghost. In act V scene1, 50: Lady Macbeth is so upset about the fact that they committed such a horrible crime and she can’t erase it. And that is not what she felt at the beginning of the story, she says: Free Macbeth Essays: The Greater Guilt :: Free Essay Writer The Greater Guilt in Macbeth Everybody is driven by guilty conscience in our life. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth feel guilty at different times and different ways. Macbeth feels guiltier than Lady Macbeth after the murder of Duncan. During the Banquet, Mecbeth is very upset and nervous after seeing the ghost, But Lady Macbeth is making an excuse about her husband’s fear, and she doesn’t show any guilt. At the end of the play, the opposite is true: Lady Mecbeth feels guiltier than mecbeth.. Guilt is responsible for the death of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. In Act II, Scene ii, Macbeth regrets the murder of Duncan as soon as he kills the king. He finds it impossible to pray after Duncan’s two sons waken from a nightmare pray and fall back to sleep : "I had most need of blessing, and "Amen" / Stuck in my throat."(II;ii;32-3) On the other hand Lady Macbeth tells him to forget about the murder because if they keep thinking of the crime, it will make them both crazy: Consider it not so deeply. †¦/These deeds must not be thought After these ways; so, it will make us mad.(II;ii;30-35) Because Lady Macbeth kills herself at the end of the play, these lines also foreshadow her future. In Act III scene 4, Macbeth is going to be crazy after seeing Banquo’s ghost. He got so scared when he sees the ghost walking in the Palace and sitting in his place: "thou canst not say I did it: never shake thy gory locks at me." This quote shows how scared he is, and Lady Macbeth is making an excuse to hide her husband’s fear: Sit, worthy friends: my lord is often thus, And hath been from his youth: pray you, keep seat; The fit is momentary, upon a thought He will again be well. If much you note him, You shall offend him, and extend his passion; Feed, and regard him not. Are you a man? This quote explain to the guest that why Macbeth has acted in that way, and how Lady Macbeth hide her husband’s fear of the ghost. In act V scene1, 50: Lady Macbeth is so upset about the fact that they committed such a horrible crime and she can’t erase it. And that is not what she felt at the beginning of the story, she says:

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Saving Time

When the clock passes one minute, the previous time would be history and there was no way to go back to time. I'm the kind of person who value every single minute in my life. I didn't mind to spend a long amount of time to do something that was meaningful, but I would not waste my time to do something that I considered useless or wasting time. Last summer one of my friends spent her whole summer going to school. She took few classes at Mesa College. She tried to finish school as fast as she could by taking as much classes as she can over the school year and summer as well. I always give her advice about rushing through college, because you can miss the important things in life by rushing through it. I prefer to spend half of the summer to go to school and the other half enjoying the summer. For example, last year I spent the first eight weeks of my summer break taking three classes at SDSU. After that I spent the rest of the summer go out with my friends, camping, and parties. In three months of that summer, I could take extra class for college and also have fun at the same time. Most people think that eating fast food can save time, however, I prefer spending two hour at home cooking my own meal rather than eating at a restaurant or a fast food store. When you eat at a restaurant you can't have the same feeling as eating at home because the satisfaction, the energy and thought is not in the meal that you eat. For instance, when you cook a meal for your love one such as friends, and family. You would put all your thought and energy to make a good meal to share with them. My sister always likes to do everything ahead of time. Whenever her professor assign any project that is due in one week, she would stay up late at night to finish it on the first day. Sometime I asked her â€Å"Why did you all these stuff so early, when it not due until next week?† Then my sister just smiled and told me that she tried to save time because she didn't like to take time doing one thing. She rather finishes one thing ahead of time then goes on with another thing. However, I didn't think it was a good idea to save time, because my sister uses her sleeping hour to do something that she consider save time. She just not cares about her health at all, which was very important thing in our life. Many people seemed to waste their time on unnecessary things in life. Time should be a value moment in life. Use the time wisely because if you rush through things in life you to achieve something, you might not know you have missed. However, if you spend a long amount of time on doing something that was worthless, then it would be a waste of time. Treasure each moment in our life because once time pass, that previous moment in our life would be history. Saving Time Name: Adil chahib Saving Time Time management determines by the difference between successful and unsuccessful people. Successful people are able to balance the goals they wish to achieve and duties. And this success comes from their ability to their time optimally in light of their objectives. There are two types in our lives: Type I: A difficult time organizing, or managing how much time we spend in our basic needs such as eating, comfort, family relations and social mission. It is a time cannot use it a lot in what has been designated a degree of importance to keeping equilibrium in our life.Type II: Time that can be organized and managed to devote to work, our own lives. Can we take advantage of this time? Can we optimize our productivity? Before I give some advices for time management. I have to describe some of the reasons wasting time. Time wasting is defined as: all that prevents you from effectively achieve your goals. – Planning: means the lack of goals and prioritie s, Overemphasis on priorities, leave the activity before the expiry of it, the lack of a deadline for the completion, trying to accomplish too much at one time. Organization: Disorganization Profile, do the job more than once, repeated efforts without result, the lack of clarity of the authority and responsibility, there is more than one president for one employee. – Employment: Problems for staff, untrained staff and Non-appropriate, rehabilitation higher or lower than desired. – Implementation: The desire to complete the work alone, a decrease in the level of stimulus, Inability to manage conflict. – Control: The absence of regulatory standards, the absence of administrative efficiency. Communications: Lack of communication clarity vertical and horizontal, no organization meetings, misunderstandings. – Decision-making: Postponement, Poor decisions. Humans are not able to organize their time without clear goals, plans and priorities. Planning is forward looking, work oriented . The future, that is, it begins with setting the access point, Then draw the way leading up to this point. Doing the work program (notebook) to achieve your goals at short (one year, for example) stating the business tasks and responsibilities that will accomplish, and the dates of the beginning and the end of completion, and timing of personal†¦ tc. Here are some points to help us develop saving time: -Type the reason that leads to the loss of your time. – Number of problems usually caused by wasting time. – Stop using fake excuses such as the need for more information. A day contains twenty-four hours and this is enough for others to manage large enterprises, but for some it is not enough to manage simple, taking advantage of the time determines the difference between success and failure. Success means achieving a balance between the objectives and duties required under the means available, and so through time management or other self-man agement.Concerning the time at work, there are many employees come to the meetings or the office just for wasting the time, and wasting other people’s time. Working too many hours, or be present in all meetings doesn’t justify the quality of work. According to Robert C. Pozen (June 15, 2012),’’be prepared to say no to requests that don’t matter ‘’ (Stop Working All Those Hours). And it is good to saving time if we: Decline meeting: means do not accept to be in meetings and explain the workload and request to see the meeting’s ones. Also delete emails: not all of them. But only keep and respond to the most important ones.Finally dial down the effort: means if we cannot say ‘’no’’ to a certain request, recognize that it may only require a B+ effort. It’s not easy to save time at work because there are some factors affecting time as: Pressure by superiors, Pressures of work on the part of subordina tes, Pressure resulting from the nature and conditions of work, Pressure resulting from planning, Pressures resulting from organization, Pressure regulator. According to Alex Chris, (October 24, 2012), ‘’there are 9 ways to manage the time at work: -write in a piece of paper. -concentrate on the important activities find productive time. -do not postpone things for later. -start a job and finish it without interruption. -delegate jobs to other people. -schedule a communication. -organize the office. ’’(www. manageyourlifenow. com). Sometimes we need rest and break to achieve the goal, so what we do is close the computer, close the phone, shut down the TV or anything that makes noise. Take a short nap. That gives more energy for every day. Also sleeping at night is better. What I understood from these ways is if we want to manage our time well, we have to look for efficacy and efficiencies.Efficacy: to perform work properly and reach the desired result. Eff iciency: the performance of work in the right way and getting to the desired result, but with minimal effort, time and cost. we need to profit and Exploit marginal times, times between commitments and actions (such as: the use of the car, waiting at the doctor, travel, waiting for meals, expected visitors). We must know How we spend time, then decompose and identify times marginal, and develop a plan of operation to benefit them as much as possible.Also do not give up urgent for the things unnecessary. According to Cameron Chapman ’’bellow are sixteen tips to help us better managing our time: 1) Get organized. 2) Separate work Space from Everything-Else Space. 3) Take advantage of time management tools. 4) Set goals. 5) Set deadlines. 6) Plane Ahead. 7) Prioritize. 8) Delegate or outsource. 9) Optimize your processes. 10) Learn to say ‘’no’’. 11) Learn when you work beast. 12) Set regular working hours. 13) Don’t waste time 14) Avoid m ultitasking. 15) Take frequent breaks. 16) Maintain. ’’Set deadlines are very important if we want to stop procrastination, so we can make a schedule with clear due dates then follow the calendar. We understand from these tips that Time is precious. Therefore, we must profit from time as well as we can, properly, and ultimately there are a few tips, as some scientists say helps us very wiling example: Focus on the target at all times , know our goal, be aware of our goal and then we will feel accomplishment when we complete each task, remember what seeks clearly in our mind, we will realize then that it is necessary to work hard to get things done.Also Keep our mental and physical health, it is necessary to do the best delivery systems and our time for a better life, it leads to good health and the life of the organization, we need for good health to enjoy the achievements should also be good. Nothing is more important than our health, keeping our self in good health g ives us energy, endurance, and also makes us more open-minded and less tense, and exercise make us think better (Sports Life).Be an observer on our self, and the easiest way to develop self-motivation is to keep a clear vision of our goal all the time, the goal is the reason for doing what we do now, Always remember the goal, nothing is seeking to achieve, in order to give us the fuel needed to overcome the difficulties. References – Article ‘’ stop working all those hours’’ by Robert C.Pozen, June 15, 2012. Harvard Business Review. – 9 Ways to manage your time at work. By Alex Chris, October 24, 2012. www. manageyourlifenow. com Alex is editor-in-chief of manageyourlifenow. com – SMASHING MAGAZINE: How To Find Time For†¦Everything! By Cameron Chapman, September 16th, 2009. www. smashingmagazine. com

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Samla’s Personal Statement

â€Å"The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart – this you will build your life by, and this you will become. † These very powerful words, written by James Allen, are a perfect description of how I have accomplished many of my goals. My main objective is to obtain a full time position with a public accounting firm to render professional services in the field of auditing. Some years ago, a former student of University of California, Irvin brought my attention to the field of auditing. I took the initiative to find out more about this career. After extensive research on the nature of the work, training and advancements, I felt this is something I could really enjoy doing for the rest of my life. I began exploring the different fields that are related to auditing programs offered and making campus visits. After several visits and consults I was attracted to the CSUF because the school allows new students to involve themselves in independent research, requiring initiative, self-motivation and a wide range of skills within the first few months and also allow students to go out for industrial practical exposure at one point or the other on a yearly basis throughout the duration of the degree. Since many of us, at one point or the other in our life, we need a professional care and assessment as regards our finance management be it an organization or the money we save or trade with or in any other capacity . So, I see this as an opportunity and it brings me great pleasure thinking about the effect I could have on the populace at large. Therefore, I have always been aware of equipping myself with solid foundations in IT and supporting knowledge in Business aspect in order to fulfill the challenging requirements of future working environment. Besides professional regular education, I have attended several trainings and extra courses instantly when I had chances and time. These include Software development, Networking, and Business development (Please refer to my resume). Academic Background and skills I attended Orange Coast College, Costa Mesa with Honors List and I major in Accounting where I got a befitting Orange Coast scholarship. I also attended Government Commercial college,Karachi,Pakistan where I had Bachelor of Commerce and I major in Accounting too. (Jan 2003-Dec 2004). Working experience My working experience dated back to early January 2004 when I was offered the post of an accountant at the Zaitoon M. A. Shakoor Brokerage Firm Karachi Stock Exchange, Karachi, and Pakistan. I was exposed to the various dynamics of stock market. My passion for this profession wax stronger after the opportunity I had in Providing professional customer service to existing customers by advising them on stock transactions, stock market trends, and providing them with up-to-date account information. I assisted with business development by providing information on the trading process to potential customers. I also learned the ability to survive under stress as I had lot of customers to attend to. I was able to exceed managements’ expectations by handling hundreds of customer accounts and supervising the office workers in the absence of a manager. I also worked as a Cashier at the Ralphs Grocery Store, Costa Mesa between Sep. 2005 – Aug. 2007 where I attended to an average of 5o customers personally on a daily basis and joined Dr Patrick the company’s marketing consultant in registering sales and issuing cash receipts. Some of the opportunities I had was as a result of my working experiences in the following areas; I was able to closely observe experts and fellow technicians to further my knowledge about accounting auditing and business management, and with this close observation, I was able to gather experiences which was to help me later in life when I finally explore and delve into some profession where these skills will be required. Besides professional regular education, I have attended several trainings and extra courses instantly when I had chances and time. These include Software development, Networking, and Business development (Please refer to my resume). I also have participated enormously so far in my undergraduate training and I have involved myself in various activities of UCI’s Accounting Association. Currently I am enhancing my knowledge by working at the Trait and associates, Inc as an accounting clerk from June 2008 till date. In the course, I also have had the opportunities of working directly under controller and CFO to organize and maintain all customer accounts and my IT knowledge has also been of immense value. My experience at Traits and associates has helped me acquire the character and those traits necessary to be a successful Auditor: commitment, confidence, compassion and strength. I believe that CSUF considers an outstanding student as one who possesses these qualities. Voluntary services Activism at any level is necessary for an individual to establish their own goals and evaluate their own career paths. Many of my interpersonal and leadership skills developed after becoming an active member of UCI’s accounting Association Future plans and goals After my Graduation from the CSUF, I would like to pursue a Master degree in the same school. I think my exposure to different accounting budgeting and auditing settings and utilization of excel to create and manage budgets for ten different departments within the company I at present work with, forces and informs this decision of mine. Not only do I want to pursue a professional carrier in Auditing, I want the opportunity to affect pre-accounting students the way the Siringos and Dr. Lee affected me. I believe I possess a talent for teaching others in manner that helps them grasp difficult concepts easily. As a part of my Auditing and accounting career, I will aim (approx. 5 years down the road) to educate Pre-auditing students as a professor at CSUF. Since many of us are confused and need someone at one point or the other to advise us on the best way and place to invest our money, I want to be part of those that will direct, lead and show others the way to financial exploit. Now is the time in which I want to pursue my true goal of becoming a professional auditor. I believe that I am mentally prepared and persistent enough to excel at any endeavor, and I have developed the compassion and commitment to the auditing profession that will drive me for years to come.