Sunday, November 3, 2019

Overpopulation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Overpopulation - Research Paper Example However, this is not the whole truth. This paper is going to disapprove the critics of overpopulation by drawing upon relevant resources and using sound arguments to justify the benefits of overpopulation. The paper will draw upon the case of China since it is considered as one of the countries with a large population. Simply it is recognized as being overpopulated. The first part begins by an understanding of the term overpopulation and then followed by a discussion of the benefits of overpopulation. The final section analyzes some of the arguments put forward by the critics of overpopulation. Overpopulation can be phrased in many ways, but all definitions are based on one concept; it is regarded as the number of people in a certain area exceeds the carrying capacity of the area (Population Reference Bureau). It is not sufficiently adequate to measure overpopulation using population density. For example, economically advanced countries such as the Netherlands and Hong Kong have the ability of supporting an extremely dense population. It would be appropriate to base overpopulation in regard to the country’s population growth, living standards and other factors. There are those that argue that the earth contains finite resources, therefore, population has its limit; while others argue that if technology and science continue advancements population growth has no limits. There are over 1.3 billion people living in China and the number is predicted to continue rising. The population growth has been experienced since the last 60 years. One recordable cause of the high population growth today, is the mid 1990s Mao Zedong policies. Zedong encouraged the Chinese people to bear as many children as possible. As a result, Chinese families began having 5 to 6 children, therefore, the population exploded. During this time, workers formed the majority of the population and thus the

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