Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Outsourcing And Its Effect On The American Economy

Throughout time, many things evolve based on current trends. The business world is no exception to evolution. In the world of business, the bottom line is key and wealthy figure heads are paid large sums to bring up profit margins and cut production costs. During the twentieth century, production costs have been cut by the means of outsourcing. Although outsourcing is financially beneficial to large businesses, it has detrimentally impacted the American economy through raises in the unemployment rate, lost countless tax dollars and compromised the integrity of products received. Outsourcing is a business tactic that consists of moving production of a product to either a sub-tier vendor or moving operations away from the company’s home country in order to eliminate costs. Recently, the most common way of outsourcing is to purchase property in underdeveloped countries and build production facilities there. The cost savings comes from cheap land for factories, cheaper production labor, and cost savings due to lesser taxes and regulations. Unfortunately, with these benefits, many exterior factors are resulted. When a company relies on a production facility that is not local to their home land, they lose the majority of the control of their operations. Many of the developing countries that are chosen to outsource are underdeveloped which comes with a great deal of instability. When a country is not developed, although labor costs are low, the education level, physical andShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Outsourcing in America Essay1299 Words   |  6 PagesSmith, cited by Timothy Taylor, defines outsourcing as a task that can be done within a group, but is instead done by a third-party group for less money. 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